Signal light grating control panel

    Product number:Signal light grating control panel

  • Big classification: Weighing management software
  • Small classification: Signal light grating control panel

The signal light grating control plate is the weighing control software developed by our company. It is the system software that controls the traffic lights and gratings through the I / O interface card. When there is no vehicle on the truck scale, the traffic light shows green light, and the vehicle can be weighed. Grating signal to the car has been detected on the scale, then the red light shows red light tips other vehicles can not scale. If the car in the scale, the raster detected the car can not be fully scale, there is suspicion of cheating, it will prompt the system software can not be weighed. Effective in the light to prevent the measurement of inaccurate when the ills of light, but also for enterprise weighing vehicles for effective scheduling, improve work efficiency

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